For immediate Release (CET)Subject: Mr. Uerkesh Davlet’s Appointment
Date 26 November 2020
Contact: Enver Can +491738912048 enver.can@web.de
The Ilham Tohti Institute (ITI) welcomes the appointment of Mr. Uerkesh Davlet (also known as Wu’er Kaixi) as the Executive Deputy General Secretary of the Taiwan Parliamentary Human Rights Commission. This represents an appropriate move in light of the deteriorating human rights situation of the Uyghurs, as the Chinese Government have been implementing a policy of genocide on the entire Uyghur population.
Mr. Davlet, a co-founder of the ITI and the Honorary President of the Ilham Tohti Institute, was the first best known Uyghur political figure around the world after his courageous leading role during the Tiananmen protests in 1989. Wu’er Kaixi who had arrived on the scene in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, in mid-April 1989, the very beginning of the student movement, had quickly emerged as one of the most outspoken student leaders as the size of the crowds increased and after organizing the most successful demonstration of the 1989 movement on 27 April, was elected as the founding President of the Autonomous independent student’s association at Beijing Normal University.
Mr. Enver Can, President of the ITI, who used to work as a journalist at the Munich based RFE/RL, recalls his memory of more than three decades ago and says, he was excited and proud hearing a student from Uyghur origin named Wu’er Kaixi has told Chinese Prime Minister (May 1989) Li Pen.
“I understand it is quite rude of me to interrupt you, Premier, but there are people sitting out there in the square, being hungry, as we sit here and exchange pleasantries. We are only here to discuss concrete matters, Sir.”
Mr. Davlet in reply to the ITI’s question and expressing his happiness to being appointed as the Executive Deputy Secretary General, says that one of the reasons for his selection to the position was his Uyghur origin…“, those good members of the Commission who deeply believe in the universal value of human rights see the situation of the Uyghur people today is not acceptable and they are determined to address the issue in Taiwan and around the world. I am deeply moved by their conviction and am equally determined to give my best effort to the Uyghur cause.”
Ilham Tohti Institute President Mr. Can, while congratulating Mr. Davlet and speaking about his political experience, courage and sacrifices calls Uerkesh as the pride of the Nation, and expresses confidence that his involvement to the work of the Parliament’s human rights would be beneficiary both to Taiwan in struggling against the CCP and protecting democratic values and human rights of the Uyghur people.